About Second Home Living
Lake of the Ozarks Second Home Living is produced by Showcase Publishing. It is a quarterly, upscale publication targeting second home owners at Missouri’s vacation playground, Lake of the Ozarks. It is distributed throughout the State of Missouri in high-traffic areas and it’s the only FREE glossy magazine at Lake of the Ozarks.

- Average Age: 49
- Sex: Male 38% Female 62%
- Marital Status: Married 84%: Single 16%
- Home Ownership: 98.6%
- Education: College Grad: 82%
- Average Household Income: $212,000
- Occupation: Professional/Managerial 78%
Editorial Calendar
- High Rise Living
- Local Information
- Landscaping
- Building Your Dream Home
- Your Money
- Homes With a View
- Walls As Art
- Collectibles
- Home
- Real Estate Matters
- Home Furnishings
- Real Estate Tips
Lake of the Ozarks Second Home Living Magazine is a high quality oversized quarterly magazine serving one of the fastest growing second home and lake retirement communities in the country. The Lake of the Ozarks has more private shoreline then the state of California.
- Real estate offices and relocation services
- Lake area chamber of commerce and others around the area
- Mid-Missouri consumer trade shows
- Key news stand locations
- Overland Park, KS and St. Charles, MO Boat Shows
- Corporate relocation departments
- In hotel rooms
- High traffic magazine racks and over 125 key distribution points around the lake
- Plus much, much more!
2024 Distribution
16,000 copies x 7.3 pass along = 114,000 Readers!
Beautiful full-color Second Home Living reprints are now available!
Promote your resort or development in the best possible manner using the same high-quality heat-set web press printing that you have to appreciate in the Lake Relo magazine. Our beautiful reprints are great as promotional brochures to attract new clients.
Alphagraphics of the Lake of the Ozarks
1140 Industrial Drive
Osage Beach MO 65065
573-348-3755 fax
Ad Rates & Mechanicals
All rates include 4-color ads in Second Home Living.
- 1/6 Page: $395
- 1/4 Page: $495
- 1/3 Page: $645
- 1/2 Page: $795
- 2/3 Page: $1195
- Full Page: $1595
In-House Ad Production is Available for $100.
Ad Payments
All rates are gross and commissionable at 15% to recognized advertising agencies.
Pre-payment discount is available for the contract term.
First-time advertisers must pay in full before publication.
We accept all major credit cards and also payments through PayPal. To pay with a credit card please contact Marcia Myers at 785-883-2196 or fax payment to 785-883-3942.
Subscribe or order additional copies of Lake of the Ozarks Second Home Living!
The cost is $8.95 and includes shipping and handling.
For advertising information, call
for advertising information call Lisa Larsen at 573-434-6626